frustrated couple in toxic relationship

5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship (And It’s Not Just Because They Don’t Recycle)

Table of Contents

Hey there, brave one navigating the choppy waters of modern romance! Are you wondering if your relationship is more toxic than that kombucha experiment you forgot about in the back of your fridge? Well, grab your reusable water bottle and get comfy, because we’re about to dive into the world of relationship red flags. And no, we’re not talking about the ones you use to decorate your Animal Crossing island.

Before we start, let’s get one thing straight: a toxic relationship isn’t just about whether they separate their plastics from their paper. It’s about patterns of behavior that leave you feeling worse than when you tried to cut your own bangs during quarantine. So, let’s break it down faster than you can say, “Swipe left.”

1. They’re More Controlling Than Your Spotify Algorithm

You know how Spotify somehow knows you want to listen to Olivia Rodrigo right after your breakup? Well, if your partner’s trying to control your life with the precision of a curated playlist, Houston, we have a problem.

Signs to watch out for:

  • They have more opinions about your outfit choices than Tim Gunn on Project Runway.
  • Your phone is suddenly more interesting to them than scrolling through TikTok at 2 AM.
  • They’ve got stronger feelings about who you hang out with than you do about pineapple on pizza.

Remember, a healthy relationship should feel like a Spotify Collaborative Playlist – you both get to add songs and sometimes you even discover new bops together!

2. Gaslighting: It’s Not Just For Your Grandma’s Stove Anymore

woman with brown hair looking confused

If you find yourself constantly questioning your own reality more than you do after binge-watching “Black Mirror,” you might be experiencing gaslighting. This manipulative tactic is like someone editing your Instagram photos without telling you – suddenly, you’re not sure what’s real anymore.

Watch out for phrases like:

  • “That never happened. You’re imagining things.”
  • “You’re being too sensitive.” (Said right after they’ve been about as sensitive as a cactus in a balloon factory)
  • “I was just joking! Can’t you take a joke?” (Spoiler alert: It wasn’t funny)

A healthy relationship should make you feel more grounded than your favorite pair of Birkenstocks, not like you’re constantly walking on emotional Legos.

3. They’ve Got More Mood Swings Than a Playground on a Sugar-High

woman sitting on a futon with hands on her face frustrated because of her toxic relationship

We all have our ups and downs, but if your partner’s mood changes more rapidly than your Instagram feed during a major world event, it might be a sign of toxicity.

Red flags include:

  • One minute they’re love-bombing you harder than an influencer promoting detox tea, the next they’re colder than your AC in July.
  • Their reactions are more unpredictable than the plot twists in a Christopher Nolan movie.
  • You find yourself walking on eggshells more often than you meal prep.

A healthy relationship should feel more stable than your WiFi connection (and we all know how precious that is).

4. They’re An Olympic Gold Medalist in the Blame Game

a couple with back to each other because they are fighting bc of their toxic relationship

If your partner blames you for everything more consistently than you blame Mercury retrograde for your life problems, we’ve got issues. In a toxic relationship, it’s always your fault – even when it’s clearly not.

Watch out for:

  • They blame you for their bad mood faster than you can say “Who hurt you?”
  • Your apology count is higher than your screen time.
  • They have a PhD in finding ways to make their problems your fault.

Remember, a healthy relationship involves taking responsibility faster than you claim the Netflix account you’re “borrowing” from your ex.

5. Your Self-Esteem Is Lower Than Your Bank Account After a Spontaneous Online Shopping Spree

woman fighting with her partner in a toxic relationship on the phone

If being with your partner makes you feel worse about yourself than that time you accidentally liked your crush’s Instagram post from 2013, it’s time to reassess. A toxic relationship can chip away at your self-esteem faster than you can say “existential crisis.”

Signs to look out for:

  • You’ve started to believe you’re as useless as that languishing gym membership.
  • Compliments from them are rarer than finding the perfect avocado at the grocery store.
  • You feel like you’re constantly auditioning for the role of “Worthy Partner” in the movie of your own life.

A healthy relationship should boost your self-esteem higher than your carefully curated LinkedIn profile.

Breaking Free From a Toxic Relationship: It’s Like Canceling a Subscription But With More Emotions

If you’ve been nodding along to these signs like they’re the beat of your favorite lo-fi study playlist, it might be time to consider an exit strategy. Remember, breaking free from a toxic relationship is like finally canceling that subscription box you forgot you had – it’s hard at first, but your future self (and your credit card) will thank you.

Need some support? We’ve got your back harder than that one friend who always holds your hair during an ill-advised night out. Check out our free guide on “Practical Steps to Heal From Trauma (Without Moving to Bali to ‘Find Yourself’)”.

Remember, you deserve a relationship that makes you feel better than finding out your favorite show just dropped a new season. You’ve got this, and we’re rooting for you harder than millennials root for the housing market to crash!

FAQs (Because We Know You’re Too Afraid to Ask These in the Group Chat)

  1. Is it normal to feel confused about whether my relationship is toxic?
    Absolutely! Toxic relationships are often more confusing than trying to understand Bitcoin.
  2. Can a toxic relationship become healthy?
    It’s possible, but it requires more work than trying to fold a fitted sheet.
  3. How do I leave a toxic relationship?
    With support, planning, and more courage than it takes to wear socks with sandals in public.
  4. Will I ever find a healthy relationship?
    Yes! There are more fish in the sea than in your local sushi restaurant. Keep swimming!


You have the power to create a love life that’s more fulfilling than finding the perfect GIF to respond to a text. So go forth, set those boundaries, and remember: you deserve a relationship that’s less toxic than a Twitter comment section and more supportive than your favorite pair of yoga pants!

Christie Q

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