Trauma-Informed Coaching

I help people like you heal from emotional trauma and rediscover your confidence so you can build a life you love through trauma-informed coaching.

Christie Q - trauma-informed coach

I know how exhausting it feels to be stuck in a cycle of hurt, insecurity, and negative thought patterns that just won’t let up, no matter how many quick-fix solutions you try.

You’re drained from people selling you temporary band-aids that do nothing to address the deep, emotional wounds still causing you pain.

I get it; I’ve been there too and was mentally and physically exhausted from trying to do so many things like books, workshops, expensive webinars, courses, therapy, coaching, and more.

Nothing really worked until I finally figured out that I couldn’t keep reliving my past without retraumatizing myself. That’s when I discovered the trauma-informed recovery approach.

If you’re ready to break free from the emotional trauma, anxiety, and low self-worth holding you back and finally heal those deep inner wounds through sustainable practices, then my coaching workbook “Practical Steps To Heal From Trauma” is for you.

I’ve poured my heart and soul into this workbook to give you tools that ACTUALLY WORK!

I’m giving it away for free for a limited time because I believe we all should have access to effective strategies to start our healing process.

Feeling stuck in the aftermath of trauma?

This transformative 5-step guide will empower you to:

  • Develop Deeper Self-awareness and Understanding
  • Cultivate Life-Changing Self-Compassion
  • Reconnect With Your Unbreakable Inner Strength

Shed the burdens of your past and step into a future filled with purpose, joy, and limitless possibility. The path to resilience starts here.

Be warned, though, healing will feel uncomfortable.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Healing is messy and takes its time but it is so worth it when you finally can let go of what is holding you back.

My only goal is to get you to feel good in your skin again and do the things that make you feel fully alive.

Still, wondering if you can really heal from these deep emotional wounds?

Contrary to the reasons your mind wants to give you that trying to heal won’t work, how about you step out and trust that you do have the capacity to heal.

You’ve done hard things before so you can do it again.

Don’t let your inner critic SABOTAGE your chance at healing emotionally and mentally.

Your healing is determined by taking the courageous step to DO IT and not by countless hours talking and philosophizing about your pain.

Because if you do that, all you’re doing is RETRAUMATIZING yourself.

It’s like you having a wound and you keep picking at the scab the whole time. All it will do is keep bleeding and not heal up.

It’s time to HEAL FOR REAL and stop glorifying your pain.

Yes, I know they hurt you bad but it’s time to take the POWER they gained over you and put it back into YOUR HEALING.


I had three nervous/mental breakdowns in the span of six years.

Yes, read that back….


Dramatic, I know.

 I just thought I was overworked, overwhelmed, and in need of a long vacation. Yeah, that vacation turned out to be extended sick leave.

I had to do years of self-work and self-discovery to get to the bottom of why I kept struggling with anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts.

Sick of my mental health struggles, I decided to do the hard work of healing for real.

Christie Quarton - trauma-informed coaching


And I want to share with you what the most EFFECTIVE strategies and tools are for emotional and mental healing.

So here comes my pitch of why you should want to work with me, right?!


There are so many coaches selling snake oil out there, and I want you to see for yourself the VALUE of some of the techniques I’ve learned to heal emotionally and mentally FOR FREE 💯.

Get The Trauma-Recovery Guide

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    If you still feel like you’d like to book a one-on-one Call to see if we’d be a good match to work together, you can book a timeslot below.

    Some blogs I wrote about different types of trauma and (self)healing techniques you could start with: